Annual Youth Summit

Mensa canada

The Mensa Canada Youth Summit

When? July 26 - 28

What's offered?

  • Talks and Q & As with experts

  • Social game events

  • Introduction to youth chat groups

  • A chance to make friends with other parents and youth in our GYG community!

Here's the Kid's AG Event Calendar at a glance:

Note: Times are displayed in Mountain Time (Edmonton time). For Ontario time, add 2 hours. Click the blue "+" icon at the bottom right corner of the calendar to subscribe and receive notifications

*Important note on time difference: If you open the event link in your own calendar, timings may automatically adjust to your time zone.

Click any event title, below, to view the link for access. You must be pre-registered for GYG corresponder or

To register, click here:

How to participate

This site will point you in the direction of all video-chat and activity links that will be set up to bring youth and parents together for this fun and educational event series. Any new events will appear in the agenda, above, and you simply need to click the event titles for access to Meet links.

technical requirements

Events will take place over the trusted Google platform, using Meets for video chat and Rooms (Hangouts) features for chat rooms; a Gmail account will be helpful to access Meets from a mobile app or to request membership in a youth-exclusive chat room. Some game events may be geared toward specific interests, like Chess (, Roblox or Minecraft, so you will see a suggestion to prepare accounts for these ahead of time.

getting event updates

If you are on the Gifted Youth Group mailing list, or if you have registered for the event, we will be emailing you with reminder of upcoming events.

To register for the event, click here: register

To join the Gifted Youth Group mailing list, sign up, here: GYG Email Correspondence Form


If you have any questions about the event, you can email